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TestCar Editor test

Old 12-23-2019, 10:38 AM
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Default Editor test

Hi everyone!
this is a test for our Editor
Old 12-23-2019, 10:43 AM
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Default Re: Editor test

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages,
and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Last edited by mfa test/; 12-23-2019 at 10:46 AM.
Old 12-23-2019, 12:49 PM
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Default Re: Editor test

Colored text
Colored text
Colored text
Colored text
Old 12-23-2019, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: Editor test

Originally Posted by IB Brenda
Colored text
Colored text
Colored text
Colored text
Colored text
Colored text
Colored text
Colored text
Old 12-23-2019, 12:51 PM
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Default Re: Editor test

Folder “X Type JTIS” also is SE JTIS archive with 2 files self extracting in the archive (311 megs) - only X Type is included, other models have been removed. Update Note - I updated this archive (now includes the xpfix.exe as of 10:00am EST 1/6/12). If you are missing the xpfix.exe file, you can download xpfix.exe using the link below for my account on
Folder “XJ Series JTIS” same type of SE JTIS archive – 2 files (344 megs) only XJ models Series. Update Note -I updated this archive (now includes the xpfix.exe as of 10:00am EST 1/6/12). If you are missing the xpfix.exe file, you can download xpfix.exe using the link below for my account on

Folder “XK Series JTIS” same type of SE JTIS archive – 2 files (287 megs) only XK models Series

The reason these archives are still pretty large is that the graphic files in the DATA/GRAPHIC folder total 225 megs (just over 13000 files).

All these JTIS archives are also available on my personal account – here are the weblinks

Last edited by IB Brenda; 12-23-2019 at 12:53 PM.
Old 12-23-2019, 12:52 PM
IB Brenda's Avatar
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Default Re: Editor test

Death there mirth way the noisy merit. Piqued shy spring nor six though mutual living ask extent. Replying of dashwood advanced ladyship smallest disposal or. Attempt offices own improve now see. Called person are around county talked her esteem. Those fully these way nay thing seems.
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Old 12-23-2019, 12:56 PM
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Default Re: Editor test

[color=#3498db][s][u][i][b]THIS TEXT SHOULD NOT BE PARSED[/b][/i][/u][/s][/color]

Flight From Hawaii Makes Emergency Landing At SFO After Flight Attendant Dies

News – CBS San Francisco

'Absurd position': McConnell, Pelosi dig in on trial impasse

25 facts you learned in school that are no longer trueSAN FRANCISCO INT’L AIRPORT (KPIX 5) – A flight from Hawaii to New York was forced to make an emergency landing in San Francisco late Thursday night after a flight attendant suffered a medical emergency mid-flight and died.
? Provided by Local News RSS EN-USHawaiian Airlines officials said Flight 50 left Honolulu bound for JFK airport in New York around 4:20 p.m. Hawaii time (6:20 p.m. Pacific.)

About three hours into the flight, a flight attendant suffered a medical emergency. The pilot came over the loudspeaker and asked if there were any doctors on the flight, and there were several on board.

Crews and doctors performed CPR on the flight attendant, but the flight attendant died.

The flight arrived at SFO around 11 p.m., and passengers spent a couple more hours in the jet before being allowed to deplane.

“It’s just confusing, trying to figure out what’s going on. I wasn’t sure what was happening, and not too many people were,” said Damien Stack, who was on Hawaiian Flight 50. “We knew it was a medical emergency, but we didn’t know specifically what it was, until after we landed.”

Passengers were asked to book their own flights to New York, which the airline is expected to reimburse. The plane left SFO shortly after 4 a.m., but it is unclear where the plane was headed.

No additional details were immediately available.

Last edited by IB Brenda; 12-23-2019 at 01:01 PM.
Old 12-23-2019, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: Editor test

The City of South San Francisco?where air quality is similarly affected?is also providing masks, which can be obtained at both SSF public libraries, the Magnolia Center and the SSF Parks and Recreation Department. In addition, California State University in Chico, which lies right next to the Camp Fire, is handing out masks to its students.
Flames from a wildfire burn a portion of Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California, November 9, 2018.ROBYN BECK/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Old 12-23-2019, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: Editor test

Originally Posted by IB Brenda
The City of South San Francisco?where air quality is similarly affected?is also providing masks, which can be obtained at both SSF public libraries, the Magnolia Center and the SSF Parks and Recreation Department. In addition, California State University in Chico, which lies right next to the Camp Fire, is handing out masks to its students.
Flames from a wildfire burn a portion of Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California, November 9, 2018.ROBYN BECK/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
The boxed tide detergent will be made available for giant online retail channels like Amazon and Wal-Mart starting in January.

While this is all great for e-commerce and (sensible) consumers, the packaging very closely resembles that of a very popular (and consumable) boxed product.

CNN Business@CNNBusiness
Why Procter & Gamble will start delivering Tide in a shoe box 'The Nose' Mancuso@jon2bad
Twitter Ads info and privacy
See Rudolph 'The Nose' Mancuso's other Tweets And of course, there's the whole Tide Pod ~moment~ we had to live through earlier this year ? you know, the one where the government had to weigh in to remind people not to eat laundry detergent?
Old 12-23-2019, 01:00 PM
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Default Re: Editor test

Originally Posted by IB Chandak
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lorem nisl, pharetra ac odio at, facilisis posuere tortor. Praesent in lorem purus. Donec at aliquam nisi, quis congue nibh. Suspendisse commodo semper facilisis. Curabitur maximus justo sed convallis volutpat. Nunc euismod nisl nisl, finibus placerat diam vehicula sit amet. Vivamus fringilla ex eget sapien ultrices, eget eleifend ipsum porttitor. Sed malesuada, enim ut luctus vehicula, eros purus scelerisque nisl, tincidunt eleifend mauris nisl eget felis. Integer ac mauris neque. Fusce ut vehicula purus. Ut accumsan odio ut nunc fermentum laoreet. Morbi mollis rhoncus lacus, vel placerat est egestas in. Morbi at mi dictum, eleifend eros ut, maximus justo.

Praesent condimentum rutrum ex, eu cursus augue porta ut. Morbi iaculis ornare placerat. Duis et augue ac nisi sollicitudin posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dictum, justo et vestibulum dictum, purus lectus efficitur lacus, eget suscipit velit justo vel dui. Phasellus convallis feugiat justo, eu fringilla mauris posuere ut. Sed porta pellentesque libero, non sagittis elit. Duis et eleifend nulla.

Vivamus lobortis ex erat, sed volutpat ligula ullamcorper nec. Donec auctor nisl semper sem tempor convallis. Donec imperdiet faucibus odio vel porttitor. Donec egestas dignissim placerat. Curabitur quis urna iaculis, consectetur quam id, semper dui. Phasellus ut feugiat risus, sit amet elementum leo. Nam varius, lectus et posuere mollis, ante orci tincidunt felis, sit amet viverra ex justo a nisi.

In varius et neque nec feugiat. Aliquam eget sem ac augue ornare tristique ut at ante. Etiam aliquet vestibulum lorem id pellentesque. Sed imperdiet quam ex, at mattis ante scelerisque faucibus. Quisque blandit nec purus vitae pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin sed erat quis tortor mollis interdum. Aliquam vehicula velit ac lacinia ultricies. Vestibulum eu auctor sem. Nam auctor sem dolor.

Aenean dui elit, pellentesque in tempus at, ullamcorper eu sapien. Sed bibendum consequat metus, in tempor ex porta in. Duis tempor magna quis elit malesuada pellentesque. Duis faucibus bibendum velit. Nam facilisis orci vehicula felis viverra vestibulum. Phasellus tortor massa, gravida vitae velit in, consequat scelerisque risus. Curabitur ultricies velit sed nulla pellentesque scelerisque. Ut sagittis lacinia massa, vitae aliquam felis lacinia interdum. Mauris gravida porttitor velit in auctor. Duis quis luctus libero. Vestibulum ultricies rutrum blandit. Nullam hendrerit urna neque. Etiam in congue mauris. Integer ut dui et est aliquet pellentesque. Maecenas consequat, risus vel pretium venenatis, libero augue faucibus metus, ut rhoncus ipsum turpis id quam. Integer iaculis sodales mi nec molestie.

Suspendisse nec elit eget lacus tempus tristique eget vitae dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam venenatis molestie tortor vel egestas. Vestibulum nunc sem, accumsan vel vulputate ut, dignissim vitae orci. Proin accumsan vestibulum orci ut vestibulum. Aliquam porta accumsan odio at tempor. Sed eget ante quis ex vulputate pharetra. Nullam quis interdum tortor. Ut eu interdum turpis. Aenean ut mi in velit dapibus rhoncus. Duis eros leo, consequat vitae urna non, egestas maximus mi. Maecenas non dolor mauris. Praesent nec lectus vel purus semper tincidunt vitae sed sapien. Maecenas tempus aliquam ipsum.

Aenean tempor tortor et blandit consequat. Vivamus quis augue nec dui pellentesque faucibus non eget justo. Nunc rhoncus, metus nec tincidunt euismod, dolor odio malesuada lorem, ultricies bibendum magna risus ut dolor. Cras quis dui ac dui gravida condimentum eu a arcu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi nec fermentum libero. In dictum, libero ut suscipit accumsan, lectus turpis semper orci, vitae varius nulla elit vitae elit. Nulla id ornare sapien. Donec placerat nisl sapien, eu mollis augue pretium sed. Nullam eros justo, blandit eget urna id, vehicula bibendum dolor. Nam volutpat ex non facilisis cursus. Proin bibendum ex in fermentum malesuada. Proin facilisis iaculis nisi. Aliquam at risus viverra, lacinia tellus non, finibus nisi.

Donec eu libero bibendum, mattis mauris a, blandit neque. Nulla facilisi. Ut molestie ante ut libero vehicula, vel accumsan velit tristique. Donec nec metus pretium, blandit dui vel, tempus nulla. Phasellus ipsum lorem, viverra ut ipsum non, dapibus gravida lectus. Etiam luctus vehicula maximus. Integer blandit elit non orci pulvinar, maximus sodales dui porttitor. Curabitur rutrum justo quis dolor tristique finibus.

Aliquam luctus lectus orci, in varius ligula commodo a. Nunc sed bibendum ligula. Proin bibendum gravida tincidunt. Fusce feugiat finibus nibh, eget maximus nisl bibendum eget. Mauris vel laoreet nisl, a vehicula erat. Sed ac consectetur nisi. Nullam nisl tellus, pharetra ac ornare vitae, fringilla et urna. Integer consectetur nec tellus in consequat. Ut et aliquet risus, sit amet ultrices eros.

In facilisis enim et purus luctus, vel congue erat venenatis. Nam venenatis erat a leo pretium posuere. Donec fringilla lorem sem, eget vestibulum ipsum auctor nec. Sed quis eros urna. Nam tristique erat non nibh ornare dictum. Ut tempus justo ut vulputate feugiat. Donec at varius nulla. Ut vel porta metus, a tristique orci. Vestibulum ac tristique mi. Suspendisse at augue id turpis bibendum ullamcorper sit amet sit amet eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lorem nisl, pharetra ac odio at, facilisis posuere tortor. Praesent in lorem purus. Donec at aliquam nisi, quis congue nibh. Suspendisse commodo semper facilisis. Curabitur maximus justo sed convallis volutpat. Nunc euismod nisl nisl, finibus placerat diam vehicula sit amet. Vivamus fringilla ex eget sapien ultrices, eget eleifend ipsum porttitor. Sed malesuada, enim ut luctus vehicula, eros purus scelerisque nisl, tincidunt eleifend mauris nisl eget felis. Integer ac mauris neque. Fusce ut vehicula purus. Ut accumsan odio ut nunc fermentum laoreet. Morbi mollis rhoncus lacus, vel placerat est egestas in. Morbi at mi dictum, eleifend eros ut, maximus justo.

Praesent condimentum rutrum ex, eu cursus augue porta ut. Morbi iaculis ornare placerat. Duis et augue ac nisi sollicitudin posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dictum, justo et vestibulum dictum, purus lectus efficitur lacus, eget suscipit velit justo vel dui. Phasellus convallis feugiat justo, eu fringilla mauris posuere ut. Sed porta pellentesque libero, non sagittis elit. Duis et eleifend nulla.

Vivamus lobortis ex erat, sed volutpat ligula ullamcorper nec. Donec auctor nisl semper sem tempor convallis. Donec imperdiet faucibus odio vel porttitor. Donec egestas dignissim placerat. Curabitur quis urna iaculis, consectetur quam id, semper dui. Phasellus ut feugiat risus, sit amet elementum leo. Nam varius, lectus et posuere mollis, ante orci tincidunt felis, sit amet viverra ex justo a nisi.

In varius et neque nec feugiat. Aliquam eget sem ac augue ornare tristique ut at ante. Etiam aliquet vestibulum lorem id pellentesque. Sed imperdiet quam ex, at mattis ante scelerisque faucibus. Quisque blandit nec purus vitae pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin sed erat quis tortor mollis interdum. Aliquam vehicula velit ac lacinia ultricies. Vestibulum eu auctor sem. Nam auctor sem dolor.

Aenean dui elit, pellentesque in tempus at, ullamcorper eu sapien. Sed bibendum consequat metus, in tempor ex porta in. Duis tempor magna quis elit malesuada pellentesque. Duis faucibus bibendum velit. Nam facilisis orci vehicula felis viverra vestibulum. Phasellus tortor massa, gravida vitae velit in, consequat scelerisque risus. Curabitur ultricies velit sed nulla pellentesque scelerisque. Ut sagittis lacinia massa, vitae aliquam felis lacinia interdum. Mauris gravida porttitor velit in auctor. Duis quis luctus libero. Vestibulum ultricies rutrum blandit. Nullam hendrerit urna neque. Etiam in congue mauris. Integer ut dui et est aliquet pellentesque. Maecenas consequat, risus vel pretium venenatis, libero augue faucibus metus, ut rhoncus ipsum turpis id quam. Integer iaculis sodales mi nec molestie.

Suspendisse nec elit eget lacus tempus tristique eget vitae dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam venenatis molestie tortor vel egestas. Vestibulum nunc sem, accumsan vel vulputate ut, dignissim vitae orci. Proin accumsan vestibulum orci ut vestibulum. Aliquam porta accumsan odio at tempor. Sed eget ante quis ex vulputate pharetra. Nullam quis interdum tortor. Ut eu interdum turpis. Aenean ut mi in velit dapibus rhoncus. Duis eros leo, consequat vitae urna non, egestas maximus mi. Maecenas non dolor mauris. Praesent nec lectus vel purus semper tincidunt vitae sed sapien. Maecenas tempus aliquam ipsum.

Aenean tempor tortor et blandit consequat. Vivamus quis augue nec dui pellentesque faucibus non eget justo. Nunc rhoncus, metus nec tincidunt euismod, dolor odio malesuada lorem, ultricies bibendum magna risus ut dolor. Cras quis dui ac dui gravida condimentum eu a arcu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi nec fermentum libero. In dictum, libero ut suscipit accumsan, lectus turpis semper orci, vitae varius nulla elit vitae elit. Nulla id ornare sapien. Donec placerat nisl sapien, eu mollis augue pretium sed. Nullam eros justo, blandit eget urna id, vehicula bibendum dolor. Nam volutpat ex non facilisis cursus. Proin bibendum ex in fermentum malesuada. Proin facilisis iaculis nisi. Aliquam at risus viverra, lacinia tellus non, finibus nisi.

Donec eu libero bibendum, mattis mauris a, blandit neque. Nulla facilisi. Ut molestie ante ut libero vehicula, vel accumsan velit tristique. Donec nec metus pretium, blandit dui vel, tempus nulla. Phasellus ipsum lorem, viverra ut ipsum non, dapibus gravida lectus. Etiam luctus vehicula maximus. Integer blandit elit non orci pulvinar, maximus sodales dui porttitor. Curabitur rutrum justo quis dolor tristique finibus.

Aliquam luctus lectus orci, in varius ligula commodo a. Nunc sed bibendum ligula. Proin bibendum gravida tincidunt. Fusce feugiat finibus nibh, eget maximus nisl bibendum eget. Mauris vel laoreet nisl, a vehicula erat. Sed ac consectetur nisi. Nullam nisl tellus, pharetra ac ornare vitae, fringilla et urna. Integer consectetur nec tellus in consequat. Ut et aliquet risus, sit amet ultrices eros.

In facilisis enim et purus luctus, vel congue erat venenatis. Nam venenatis erat a leo pretium posuere. Donec fringilla lorem sem, eget vestibulum ipsum auctor nec. Sed quis eros urna. Nam tristique erat non nibh ornare dictum. Ut tempus justo ut vulputate feugiat. Donec at varius nulla. Ut vel porta metus, a tristique orci. Vestibulum ac tristique mi. Suspendisse at augue id turpis bibendum ullamcorper sit amet sit amet eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lorem nisl, pharetra ac odio at, facilisis posuere tortor. Praesent in lorem purus. Donec at aliquam nisi, quis congue nibh. Suspendisse commodo semper facilisis. Curabitur maximus justo sed convallis volutpat. Nunc euismod nisl nisl, finibus placerat diam vehicula sit amet. Vivamus fringilla ex eget sapien ultrices, eget eleifend ipsum porttitor. Sed malesuada, enim ut luctus vehicula, eros purus scelerisque nisl, tincidunt eleifend mauris nisl eget felis. Integer ac mauris neque. Fusce ut vehicula purus. Ut accumsan odio ut nunc fermentum laoreet. Morbi mollis rhoncus lacus, vel placerat est egestas in. Morbi at mi dictum, eleifend eros ut, maximus justo.

Praesent condimentum rutrum ex, eu cursus augue porta ut. Morbi iaculis ornare placerat. Duis et augue ac nisi sollicitudin posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dictum, justo et vestibulum dictum, purus lectus efficitur lacus, eget suscipit velit justo vel dui. Phasellus convallis feugiat justo, eu fringilla mauris posuere ut. Sed porta pellentesque libero, non sagittis elit. Duis et eleifend nulla.

Vivamus lobortis ex erat, sed volutpat ligula ullamcorper nec. Donec auctor nisl semper sem tempor convallis. Donec imperdiet faucibus odio vel porttitor. Donec egestas dignissim placerat. Curabitur quis urna iaculis, consectetur quam id, semper dui. Phasellus ut feugiat risus, sit amet elementum leo. Nam varius, lectus et posuere mollis, ante orci tincidunt felis, sit amet viverra ex justo a nisi.

In varius et neque nec feugiat. Aliquam eget sem ac augue ornare tristique ut at ante. Etiam aliquet vestibulum lorem id pellentesque. Sed imperdiet quam ex, at mattis ante scelerisque faucibus. Quisque blandit nec purus vitae pellentesque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin sed erat quis tortor mollis interdum. Aliquam vehicula velit ac lacinia ultricies. Vestibulum eu auctor sem. Nam auctor sem dolor.

Aenean dui elit, pellentesque in tempus at, ullamcorper eu sapien. Sed bibendum consequat metus, in tempor ex porta in. Duis tempor magna quis elit malesuada pellentesque. Duis faucibus bibendum velit. Nam facilisis orci vehicula felis viverra vestibulum. Phasellus tortor massa, gravida vitae velit in, consequat scelerisque risus. Curabitur ultricies velit sed nulla pellentesque scelerisque. Ut sagittis lacinia massa, vitae aliquam felis lacinia interdum. Mauris gravida porttitor velit in auctor. Duis quis luctus libero. Vestibulum ultricies rutrum blandit. Nullam hendrerit urna neque. Etiam in congue mauris. Integer ut dui et est aliquet pellentesque. Maecenas consequat, risus vel pretium venenatis, libero augue faucibus metus, ut rhoncus ipsum turpis id quam. Integer iaculis sodales mi nec molestie.

Suspendisse nec elit eget lacus tempus tristique eget vitae dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam venenatis molestie tortor vel egestas. Vestibulum nunc sem, accumsan vel vulputate ut, dignissim vitae orci. Proin accumsan vestibulum orci ut vestibulum. Aliquam porta accumsan odio at tempor. Sed eget ante quis ex vulputate pharetra. Nullam quis interdum tortor. Ut eu interdum turpis. Aenean ut mi in velit dapibus rhoncus. Duis eros leo, consequat vitae urna non, egestas maximus mi. Maecenas non dolor mauris. Praesent nec lectus vel purus semper tincidunt vitae sed sapien. Maecenas tempus aliquam ipsum.

Aenean tempor tortor et blandit consequat. Vivamus quis augue nec dui pellentesque faucibus non eget justo. Nunc rhoncus, metus nec tincidunt euismod, dolor odio malesuada lorem, ultricies bibendum magna risus ut dolor. Cras quis dui ac dui gravida condimentum eu a arcu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi nec fermentum libero. In dictum, libero ut suscipit accumsan, lectus turpis semper orci, vitae varius nulla elit vitae elit. Nulla id ornare sapien. Donec placerat nisl sapien, eu mollis augue pretium sed. Nullam eros justo, blandit eget urna id, vehicula bibendum dolor. Nam volutpat ex non facilisis cursus. Proin bibendum ex in fermentum malesuada. Proin facilisis iaculis nisi. Aliquam at risus viverra, lacinia tellus non, finibus nisi.

Donec eu libero bibendum, mattis mauris a, blandit neque. Nulla facilisi. Ut molestie ante ut libero vehicula, vel accumsan velit tristique. Donec nec metus pretium, blandit dui vel, tempus nulla. Phasellus ipsum lorem, viverra ut ipsum non, dapibus gravida lectus. Etiam luctus vehicula maximus. Integer blandit elit non orci pulvinar, maximus sodales dui porttitor. Curabitur rutrum justo quis dolor tristique finibus.

Aliquam luctus lectus orci, in varius ligula commodo a. Nunc sed bibendum ligula. Proin bibendum gravida tincidunt. Fusce feugiat finibus nibh, eget maximus nisl bibendum eget. Mauris vel laoreet nisl, a vehicula erat. Sed ac consectetur nisi. Nullam nisl tellus, pharetra ac ornare vitae, fringilla et urna. Integer consectetur nec tellus in consequat. Ut et aliquet risus, sit amet ultrices eros.

In facilisis enim et purus luctus, vel congue erat venenatis. Nam venenatis erat a leo pretium posuere. Donec fringilla lorem sem, eget vestibulum ipsum auctor nec. Sed quis eros urna. Nam tristique erat non nibh ornare dictum. Ut tempus justo ut vulputate feugiat. Donec at varius nulla. Ut vel porta metus, a tristique orci. Vestibulum ac tristique mi. Suspendisse at augue id turpis bibendum ullamcorper sit amet sit amet eros.

What happens now?

Several senators said ahead of the votes on Thursday that they are trying to find a way to get a deal that would look something like this: A short-term spending bill to reopen the government, combined with an agreement to draft a border security package.
The details are still being hashed out, but more than a dozen senators are trying to pressure Trump to agree to reopen the government temporarily and Pelosi to make more commitments on border security.
Roughly 15 senators will take to the floor this afternoon to make this pitch.

Negotiating an end to the government shutdown: What's plan B?
Sen. Rob Portman said that senators are looking for a "third way" to get the government open after the two votes fail Friday.
Asked if Trump needs to say he'd open the government in the short term, Portman said: "I think so, yeah. But he needs to have some commitment that they are going to get this resolved so it's not just a short-term opening and where we're right back where we are now."
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said: "Hopefully we can find some third approach. We have about a dozen of us -- maybe more, six and six, I can't remember. A good many yesterday. Talking about a way to find a short-term CR acceptable to the President. I'm pretty confident if we ever got in a room without the shutdown hovering over us, that we could find a way to get this done."
The White House may also invite the group of eight congressional leaders for a meeting with Trump as soon as Friday, an official said. That decision is being deliberated now at the White House.
Aides are unsure whether Pelosi would accept the invitation, but as CNN has reported, there is hope within the White House that the failure of two competing plans to reopen the government could lead to more negotiations. Talks about bringing Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer back to meet with Trump could signal another push from the White House to try for a deal, after the President's attempt to float one unilaterally fizzled.
Old 12-23-2019, 01:00 PM
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Ford CEO Has Harsh Words for Employees After 'Mediocre' 2018

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These Are The Rarest And Most Valuable Lego Cars
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Thursday 2:05PM[img] AAAICTAEAOw==[/img]
Alanis King
1/25/19 9:57AM

Filed to:FORD

[img]Photo: Getty Images
The Morning ShiftAll your daily car news in one convenient place. Isn't your time more important?
PrevNextView AllFord’s CEO isn’t mincing words when he wants to turn things around, Cadillac wants to do the same, and Nissan CEO’s said he plans to step down too. All of this and more in The Morning Shift for Friday, Jan. 25, 2019.

1st Gear: No More Mr. Nice Guy

Ford CEO Jim Hackett is about done with all of this losing-money stuff and said so in an email he sent to employees, as seen and reported on by Reuters. Hackett said in the email that 2018, a year in which Ford got hammered money-wise, was “mediocre by any standard,” and that it was time to improve things.
Old 12-23-2019, 01:01 PM
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2019 Alfa Romeo Stelvio
Ti Sport AWD

Many people will probably tell you that bonafide sports sedans and SUVs are mutually exclusive. Alfa Romeo proved everyone wrong when they launched the Stelvio. By installing the turbocharged heart of the Giuila sedan within their crossover SUV, Alfa Romeo was able to capture the performance and handling prowess of their famed sedans, all while benefitting from the extra ground clearance that makes every day driving that much easier.

MSRP/TruePrice Avg.*: $45,490/$42,056
Potential Savings Off MSRP: 7.5%
Estimated Monthly Payment**: $627
Fuel Economy MPG (City/Hwy): 22/28

2019 Chevrolet Colorado
ZR2 Crew Cab Short Box 4WD Automatic

When Chevrolet introduced the Colorado, expectations were high for the mid-size pickup truck. Thankfully, it delivered on those promises, as the Colorado is available in a variety of options. From a work truck to haul materials, to an off-road proven weekend warrior, the Colorado can be optioned to handle just about anything and everything.

MSRP/TruePrice Avg.*: $43,495/$39,900
Potential Savings Off MSRP: 8.3%
Estimated Monthly Payment**: $595
Fuel Economy MPG (City/Hwy): 16/18


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Old 12-23-2019, 01:02 PM
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2020 Land Rover Range Rover Velar Review

by the Edmunds Experts

On the surface, the 2020 Land Rover Range Rover Velar is one of the luxury SUV maker's more unusual offerings. The Velar's size and price effectively slot it between Land Rover's compact and midsize offerings. You'd think the Velar would feel crowded between these segments, but its sleek styling gives it an edge in the lineup.

The Velar's fastback profile is shared with the similarly eye-catching Range Rover Evoque, and the design translates well to the slightly longer Velar. In addition to providing more cabin and cargo room than its smaller sibling, the Velar offers a wider range of engine choices and luxury features. It doesn't have a third-row seat like the larger Discovery or the off-road prowess of the Range Rover Sport, but the Velar delivers strong on-road performance.

In our testing of a Velar with the now-defunct diesel engine, we lauded the SUV's comfortable seats, excellent navigation system, useful amount of cargo space, and premium cabin materials. We were less impressed by the dual touchscreens (one for infotainment and one for climate controls), finding them clumsy to use and slow to respond. Our tech challenges continued with a voice command system that was similarly lethargic and offered no integration with the navigation system. Finally, the ride is pretty rough on 20-inch wheels ? larger wheels would likely be worse.

Overall, we like the Velar and its expressive styling. It certainly stands out in a field full of amorphous crossovers. Go with the 19-inch wheels if possible (the smallest offered) and give the user interface a thorough test drive before you commit.

Which Range Rover Velar does Edmunds recommend?

We think the base Velar S is the right choice for many customers. It has tons of standard equipment and enough available options to match most of the features found on upper trims. We're huge fans of the supercharged V6, but the standard turbocharged four-cylinder should provide acceptable acceleration for the majority of buyers. Of the available option packages, the Driver Assist system ? with its many advanced driver aids ? is the most enticing.


Old 12-23-2019, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by IB Brenda

2020 Land Rover Range Rover Velar Review

by the Edmunds Experts

On the surface, the 2020 Land Rover Range Rover Velar is one of the luxury SUV maker's more unusual offerings. The Velar's size and price effectively slot it between Land Rover's compact and midsize offerings. You'd think the Velar would feel crowded between these segments, but its sleek styling gives it an edge in the lineup.

The Velar's fastback profile is shared with the similarly eye-catching Range Rover Evoque, and the design translates well to the slightly longer Velar. In addition to providing more cabin and cargo room than its smaller sibling, the Velar offers a wider range of engine choices and luxury features. It doesn't have a third-row seat like the larger Discovery or the off-road prowess of the Range Rover Sport, but the Velar delivers strong on-road performance.

In our testing of a Velar with the now-defunct diesel engine, we lauded the SUV's comfortable seats, excellent navigation system, useful amount of cargo space, and premium cabin materials. We were less impressed by the dual touchscreens (one for infotainment and one for climate controls), finding them clumsy to use and slow to respond. Our tech challenges continued with a voice command system that was similarly lethargic and offered no integration with the navigation system. Finally, the ride is pretty rough on 20-inch wheels ? larger wheels would likely be worse.

Overall, we like the Velar and its expressive styling. It certainly stands out in a field full of amorphous crossovers. Go with the 19-inch wheels if possible (the smallest offered) and give the user interface a thorough test drive before you commit.

Which Range Rover Velar does Edmunds recommend?

We think the base Velar S is the right choice for many customers. It has tons of standard equipment and enough available options to match most of the features found on upper trims. We're huge fans of the supercharged V6, but the standard turbocharged four-cylinder should provide acceptable acceleration for the majority of buyers. Of the available option packages, the Driver Assist system ? with its many advanced driver aids ? is the most enticing.


The 2021 Toyota Tundra Pickup Is Spied Testing, and What's Going On Underneath?

More than a decade since its last makeover, the Tundra is ready for reinvention.

By Andrew Wendler
JAN 24, 2019
Brian WilliamsWhat It Is: The next-generation Toyota Tundra pickup undergoing testing near our offices in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with a Ford F-150 chase truck following close behind. While the front, side, and rear camouflage comes as no surprise, the underbody skirting and unique passenger-side rear wheel are of particular interest; more on those in a bit.

Why It Matters: Introduced for the 2000 model year, refreshed comprehensively in 2007, but with only a minor once-over in 2014, the full-size Tundra is a veritable relic in a field of fully modern offerings from all the major players in the segment. Although Toyota kept the Tundra's marketing fresh by routinely updating the variety of available trim packages and TRD editions, it never posed much of a threat to the established segment leaders. Still, the Tundra has a dedicated customer base, and given the comparatively high profit margin of pickups?and the fact that it shares some parts with the full-size Toyota Sequoia SUV?Toyota isn't leaving the segment anytime soon.

Platform: Don't expect Toyota to ditch the tried and true body-on-frame construction that rules the full-size-pickup segment. As for what the lower-body skirting and chase vehicle are attempting to conceal, we have a few ideas. Our most popular theory is that Toyota is working on a coil-spring or air-spring rear suspension to replace its leaf springs, since what appears to be a trailing arm is visible in one of the images. The Ram 1500 uses a coil-spring setup and offers air springs, both of which contribute to its smooth ride. Using a similar setup might lure a few more buyers to the Tundra fold. Other C/D staffers theorized that, since the full-size Sequoia SUV currently utilizes an independent rear setup, adapting a similar rear suspension to the Tundra is possible, although it would significantly reduce payload capacity. Finally, it's also possible that the skirting is in place from a previous testing session and the team just left it in place while evaluating the vehicle. That said, our spy photographer told us the engineers were "extremely concerned" when they attempted to get clear shots underneath the vehicle.
Old 12-23-2019, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by IB Brenda

Ford CEO Has Harsh Words for Employees After 'Mediocre' 2018

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These Are The Rarest And Most Valuable Lego Cars
Jason Torchinsky

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The Grapevine

Bill ?We Cannot Blame White People? Cosby Accuses Eddie Murphy of ?Cooning? in Statement Regarding SNL Joke

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Hidden Magnets and a Video Projector Make This the Most Advanced Pinball Machine Yet

Andrew Liszewski
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President Gravybrain Says a Bunch of Truly Bizarre **** About Windmills and the Universe

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Take 25% Off Elevation Labs' Under-the-Desk Headphone Anchor With This Exclusive Coupon Code

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Recent from Alanis King


?The World?s Most Extraordinary Car Keys? Versus My Car Keys: An In-Depth Comparison

Alanis King
Saturday 11:00AM[img] AAAICTAEAOw==[/img]

The BMW i3 Urban Suite Wants To Size Down Luxury Chauffeur Travel

Alanis King
Friday 11:30AM[img] AAAICTAEAOw==[/img]

FIA President Says It'll Be 'Decades' Before F1 Goes Electric, If It Even Does

Alanis King
Thursday 2:05PM[img] AAAICTAEAOw==[/img]
Alanis King
1/25/19 9:57AM
Filed to:FORD

Photo: Getty Images
The Morning ShiftAll your daily car news in one convenient place. Isn't your time more important?
PrevNextView AllFord?s CEO isn?t mincing words when he wants to turn things around, Cadillac wants to do the same, and Nissan CEO?s said he plans to step down too. All of this and more in The Morning Shift for Friday, Jan. 25, 2019.

1st Gear: No More Mr. Nice Guy

Ford CEO Jim Hackett is about done with all of this losing-money stuff and said so in an email he sent to employees, as seen and reported on by Reuters. Hackett said in the email that 2018, a year in which Ford got hammered money-wise, was ?mediocre by any standard,? and that it was time to improve things.

How We Rank New Cars

READ HOW WE RANK USED CARSOur new car rankings are based on two types of information: published reviews from respected automotive critics and data from third-party sources.

For each new car in the U.S. News rankings, our editors analyze credible reviews about the new car to assign a score that represents what professional critics say about it. The reviews are gathered from major newspapers, magazines, and automotive websites. For each third-party review, we score the car on three different components:
  • Performance. The performance score represents the reviewer's written assessment of a car's handling, braking, acceleration, ride quality, and other qualitative performance measures.
  • Interior. The interior score represents the reviewer's written assessment of the car's interior comfort, features, cargo space, styling, and build quality.
  • Critics' Rating. This represents the overall tone and recommendation level reviewers place on a car.
In addition to the analysis of professional reviews, we add information of particular interest to new-car shoppers, such as safety, reliability, fuel economy, cargo, and towing/hauling capacity data, that isn't always part of the critics' qualitative reviews.
  • Safety. The safety score is based on two elements: crash test results from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the number of advanced accident-avoidance technologies, such as forward collision warning, emergency automatic braking, lane keep assist, and others, that come standard with the vehicle.
  • Reliability. The reliability score contributing to the U.S. News new car rankings is the Predicted Reliability rating provided by J.D. Power. This score is based on the past three years of historical initial quality and dependability data from J.D. Power's automotive studies, specifically the Vehicle Dependability Study (VDS) and the Initial Quality Study (IQS).
  • Fuel Economy. A component of the performance score, the fuel economy score is based on the combined mpg estimate for the model?s base trim with an automatic transmission, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Cargo and Towing/Hauling. These figures come from each manufacturer?s media site. Towing and hauling data is gathered only for pickup trucks.
  • Awards. Cars that win major automotive industry awards, such as the Motor Trend Car of the Year and North American Car of the Year, receive a bump in their recommendation score to reflect the importance of these awards.

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